Saturday, December 31, 2011

Emotions and Actions: Technique # 2

Technique #2: No matter how you feel right now (happy, sad, angry, annoyed, frustrated....), think or say the phrase:  "It's o.k. to feel ....."  (It's o.k. to feel happy; it's o.k. to feel sad; it's o.k. to feel annoyed...).

Saying or thinking the phrase "It's o.k. to feel ..." is one of the most powerful techniques you can use to link emotions and actions.

The moment you are saying "it's o.k. to feel...", you are making a judgment. Most of our emotions derive from different parts of our body (or associated areas of the brain: see visual depiction at:

Making a judgment accesses the prefrontal cortex of the brain which is responsible for executive functions and cognitive processes like planning, working memory, attention, problem solving, verbal reasoning, inhibition, mental flexibility, multi-tasking, initiation and monitoring of actions, planning complex cognitive behaviors, personality expression, decision making, moderating correct social behavior and the orchestration of thoughts and actions.

By saying "It's o.k. to feel..." , an emotion can become a catalyst (promoter, facilitator) for the creative mind.

While some people are intuitively creative, emotions, especially the most negative and challenging ones, are the most powerful catalysts that propel us into growth.

Using emotions as a catalyst for personal growth is a skill that can be learned like walking, riding the bike, or swimming. Our Emotions Software was designed to teach that skill. Once learned, anyone can apply the skill of turning challenging emotions into personal growth, especially during a time when emotions appear to be most negative and overwhelming.

Emotions and Actions: Technique #1

Many people believe that emotions are to be managed and controlled. Unfortunately, viewing emotions that way means missing out on the true Magic of Emotions and the Power of our Creative Mind.

Many people are aware that emotions affect our actions and behavior. We feel sad...we cry, we feel angry....we fight, we feel scared....we run. However, not many people know how our actions and behavior can affect emotions and how emotions can propel us therefore into personal growth.  

Even though the most effective techniques for personal growth are very unique to each individual, here are some techniques that you can try in addition to the skills taught in our Emotions Software:

Technique #1:  No matter how you feel right now, breathe in something pleasant that is nearby. (The scent of your clothing, a piece of food that you like, the scent of a candle, the scent of a pet, the scent of a plant.) Do not just smell the item but consciously breathe it in. Take a long breath and notice how your action of "breathing"in something pleasant makes you feel and how your action affects your emotion.

Friday, December 30, 2011

The Power of the Creative Mind: Writing, Learning Disabilities, Emotions

Insight #1: Despite all technological and scientific advances, research has shown that much of the capability of the human brain and the potential of the human mind still needs to be explored. Writing, Learning Disabilities, and Emotions are three major ways that assist each individual in the exploration of the Power of the Creative Mind.

Writing: By simply beginning to write, the mind accesses areas of the brain that otherwise would not be explored. The process of writing touches parts of the brain that connects with the past, the present, or the future You can share your discoveries through writing here!

Learning Disabilities: Each learning disability is the other side of an amazing ability. Our Iceberg Principle shows how much of the human mind remains undiscovered by neither recognizing a disability nor an ability. Help others by sharing your abilities here. If you have a learning disability but are not aware of your ability, check our list of historical people to find yours.

Emotions: Our emotions connect all parts of the human brain and the human body Our emotions are meant to propel us into growth and new discoveries. In addition to our Emotion's Software (see below), we will add some additional techniques on this blog to show how emotions can impact our behavior and help each individual how to access the power of the creative mind.

Please note: If you are not able to post your comment here, please use our contact form on our website to write to us and we will post your comment for you.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

What makes writing good writing?

....when you turn the ordinary into something extraordinary!

Try it the next time you write something. It doesn't matter if you write a blog, a note, something on facebook, an essay, an article, a poem, or even part of a novel.

Writing something extraordinary can include a simple word. Use the synonym feature in a word processor to expand your vocabulary.

Writing something extraordinary can include a name. Names can open the door to a different time and place. For example, using any of the mythological names can bring up a new image in the reader's mind. Be like "Athena". Did you know that Athena was not only the goddess for creativity but also the goddess of duality? The duality found in almost any person. The duality of good and bad, the dualtiy of abiltiy and disability?

Turning writing into extraordinary writing can include many more things....more to come on the blog soon.