Saturday, October 29, 2011

What makes writing good writing?

....when you turn the ordinary into something extraordinary!

Try it the next time you write something. It doesn't matter if you write a blog, a note, something on facebook, an essay, an article, a poem, or even part of a novel.

Writing something extraordinary can include a simple word. Use the synonym feature in a word processor to expand your vocabulary.

Writing something extraordinary can include a name. Names can open the door to a different time and place. For example, using any of the mythological names can bring up a new image in the reader's mind. Be like "Athena". Did you know that Athena was not only the goddess for creativity but also the goddess of duality? The duality found in almost any person. The duality of good and bad, the dualtiy of abiltiy and disability?

Turning writing into extraordinary writing can include many more things....more to come on the blog soon.